Middle East | Sykes-Picot Agreement | Factors of the Syrian Civil War | Syrian Refugees | Miscellaneous |
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Who coined the term Middle East?
What major event led to the downfall of the Ottoman Empire?
In what year did Hafez al-Assad gain power?
Someone who’s been forced to flee their country because of persecution, war, or violence
What is a refugee?
Phone turned in before going
What is the new restroom policy?
Africa, Asia, Europe
Specifically: North Africa, SouthWest Asia, and Europe
What 3 continents are considered part of the Middle East?
What did France receive as part of the Sykes-Picot Agreement in which they supervised Syria’s development towards independence?
Damascus Spring
What is the period known in which Bashar al-Assad promised to be a different ruler than his father?
5 million
As of Dec. 2016, approximately how many Syrians have fled their country?
Late work must be handed in by the end of the week in which it was due. (Unless there is an exception that was APPROVED
What is the late work policy?
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Which 3 major religions originated from the Middle East?
When did Syria gain independence?
In what year did the Arab Spring reached Syria?
Fees for material/transportation or they don’t understand the language
What is one of the reasons refugee children are not enrolling in school?
What sport did Mr. Manzo play in high school and “almost” went pro in?
What is the name of the region where the earliest civilization is believed to have originated?
Ottoman Empire took over Constantinople and renamed it ______?
1.5 million
Due to the drought in Syria, approximately how many people migrated from the rural areas to the cities?
6 million
Approximately how many Syrians are displaced internally? (caught in between the fighting)
A Husky
What kind of dog does Mr. Manzo have?
Suleiman the Magnificent
Who ruled the Ottoman Empire when it reached its height?
Arabs, and Jewish community (Zionist)
Conflicting promises: Aside from the French, who else did the British promise land to?
1 million
Approximately how many Iraqi refugees came to Syria, as a result of the U.S. invasion of Iraq?
Assad’s regime, ISIL, Kurdish forces
What are the 3 main groups involved in the fighting in Syria?
What is one of the two things Mr. Manzo is most terrified of? (hint: Mentioned it on the 1st day of school)