Business | Customer care | zoo | Avian | Exotics |
Gross domestic product- Economic health of a country at any given one point in time.
What is GDP and what does it measure?
Name the shop layout that lets people go wherever they want.
The variation of species and plants in a habitat.
What is biodiversity?
foreign objects, wet bedding, jumping down from high roosts.
3 causes of bumblefoot
A species non-native to the uk
What does exotic mean?
Sole ownership the business and gets all the profits and losses.
What a sole trader?
website, poster, social media
Name three types of marketing
What year is the zoo licensing act?
Birds that have adapted bills that allow them to break open nuts, seeds and grains
What are hardbills?
Nutrition, poor hygiene, water quality, overcrowding, stress, environment, inadequate housing, lack of enrichment
What causes ill health in reptile?
A business that doesn't keep the profits and uses them/ donates for the business e.g a charity such as oxfam
What is not-for profit business?
Invoice, receipt, purchase order.
Name three different documents when buying or ordering stock.
Treating animals with less rights and morals to humans and seeing them as objects and property.
What does speciesism mean?
6 pairs
How many pairs of tail feathers are there typically?
Yellow fungus, Chytrid, aspergillosis
What types of fungal infections can reptiles, amphibians, and birds get?
Tall, flat, hierarchial
What are the three business structures?
market skimming
What pricing method, sells a product for a high amount first and then lowers it?
Popes and bishops, Palermo in Sicily which had wild exotic animals.
Who owns menageries and where is the oldest one?
Vane, rachis, barb, after feather, hollow shaft
Name the 5 parts of the feather
What can mouth rot also be called?
Chief executive financial officer
What does CEFO mean?
What year is the price marketing order?
Ambassador Animal Scientific Advisory Group, develops cooperative relationship between the education, research animal welfare interests of the zoo and aquarium community around the topic of ambassador animals.
What does AASAG stand for and what do they do?
A zoonotic disease caused by a bacterium called chlamydia psittaci and contracted from infected parrots.
What is psittacosis?
Salmonella, septicaemia, dermatitis, stomatitis, pneumonia, psittacosis.
List 5 bacterial infections.