Derived Characteristics | Prototheria | Metatherians | Eutheria | Eutherian Groups |
What is lactation?
females feed their young
What is hatching from eggs?
how their babies come into the world
What are the Americas?
continent(s) of opossums
What is "true wild animals?"
meaning of eutheria
What are the lagomorphs (hares and rabbits)?
this group can gnaw with their mouths closed
What are heterodontyl teeth?
teeth for different purposes
What is they do not have teeth?
type of teeth as adults
What are marsupials?
common name of this group
What is through a connection to placenta of the mother?
how embryos grow
What are the rodents?
this group's incisors continually grow and become like chisels
What is determinate growth?
epiphyses fuse with shafts of long bones
What is Monotremata?
the order of the living prototherians
What is they are doubled?
number of reproductive systems
What is longer than in metatherians?
length of gestation
What are the canids (wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, dogs)?
group of predators adapted for endurance
What is hair?
integument covering
What is inefficient because legs oriented laterally to body?
efficiency of locomotion
What is single pair of incisors dominates lower jaw?
diprotodont definition
What is 6?
number of sets of molars of elephants
What are the skunks and stink badgers?
group of carnivores with aposematic coloration
What is monochromatic or dichromatic vision?
type of sight
What are the neck and thorax?
location of ribs
What are the kangaroos, wallabies, and possums?
diprotodonts are these kinds of animals
What is excellent sense of smell, poor eyesight and hearing?
how good smell, eyesight, and hearing are in elephants
What are the artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates, ruminants)?
group that walks on two toes