Facts and Figures Assignments Calendar and Deadlines Work in the Schools Potpourri
Tuesday 3:00 -4:00 p.m., 7:00-7:30 and by appt?
The times of Ms. Cook's office hours.
What is the Final Reflection?
The document you will submit at the end of your experience.
What is Monday by 11:59 p.m.?
The day of the week and time by which all work for the week should be submitted.
What is it is prohibited?
The policy on cell phone use at your field site.
What is varied answers are acceptable?
A helpful website for this course.
What is "credit" or "no credit?"
Your course grade will be one or the other of these.
What is one time per week?
How often must you submit a Reflective Journal Entry during your placement?
What is 11 or 12?
How many "mini" assignments make up the Field Experience Module Project?
What is three to four hours per week for at least eight weeks?
The number of hours per week and the number of weeks you must be present at your field site.
What is varied answers are acceptable?
A professional organization related to this course topic.
What is The Special Educator's Toolkit?
The textbook for this course.
What is 1-2 pages?
The minimum number of pages that should be included in each section of your module project.
What is Week 6?
The week in which Reading Response 2 is due.
What are blue jeans, sneakers and T-shirts?
Three items you should never wear to your field placement.
What is varied answers are acceptable?
One objective for this course.
What is three?
The number of times we will meet face-to-face.
What is collect data on one student for one goal or short term objective?
Your requirements for the data collection project.
What is Week 12?
The week in which your Module Project is due.
What is gather practical information; teach school-age children both on an individual and group basis; document, monitor and evaluate instruction; administer assessments; conduct baseline/intervention studies?
Three activities you will engage in at your field site.
What is respectfully and not by name?
The way in which you should refer to your students in written or social communication.
What is A Guide to the Admission, Review and Dismissal Process OR It's a New IDEA: The Manual for Parents and Students About Special Education Services in Texas 2012?
A recommended reading for this course.
What is respond to a colleague's post?
You are encouraged to do this (at least once) in addition to submitting your Reading Responses.
Between Oct. 7 - 13?
The date by which you must submit your Data Collection Sheet to Mrs. Cook for approval.
What is leave a message in advance with the cooperating teacher and the university instructor.
The procedure to follow if you must be absent.
What is failure?
The penalty for academic dishonesty.

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