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W 1-4 (virtual) and TH 1-4 (FAC 234) and by appt?
The location and times of Dr. Robertson's office hours.
What is the Behavior Intervention/Change Plan?
The course requirement worth the most points (25% of your final grade).
What is April 30?
The date of the Behavior Intervention/Change Plan Presentations.
Who is the student?
The person responsible for keeping up with due dates and grades.
What is varied answers are acceptable?
A helpful website for this course.
What is 1000?
The total number of points available in this course.
What is Attendance and Class Participation?
The activity worth 60 points.
What is six?
The number of units for which you are responsible.
What is 24 hours?
The number of hours within which you will typically receive a response from the instructor to a request submitted online.
What is varied answers are acceptable?
A professional organization related to this course topic.
Strategies for Addressing Behavior Problems in the Classroom?
The textbook for this course.
What is Super Nanny?
The assignment based on a popular television program.
What are February 26, March 12?
The dates of the optional sessions.
What is (who are) your classmates?
Those you must work extra hard to get to know in an online environment.
What is varied answers are acceptable?
One objective for this course.
What is four (with 2 optional sessions)?
The number of times face-to-face sessions are required.
What is APA?
The method of scholarly citations that you must use in this course.
What is March 26?
When is the BIP work session?
What is every three days?
The minimum frequency with which you are required to login.
What is turn it off or set it to vibrate?
You should do this with your cell phone prior to attending class.
What is 50%
The percentage of Final Exam content that will drawn from Unit Quizzes?
What are Learning Activities.
Your will submit this type of assignment four times.
What is Wednesday?
The day of the week on which all unit activities are due.
What are in the office, online and by phone?
The ways in which the instructor is available to support students.
What is failure.
The penalty for academic misconduct or complicity.