Colors | Medicine | Swimming | Marvel | Geography |
What is blue
The sky is this color
What is a scab
The term for the raised tissue left over an old cut
What is Caleb Dressel
This is the current world record holder for the 50 free
What is Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
The two founders of Marvel comics (name one of the two)
What is Mount Everest
The tallest mountain in Earth
What is green
This is the actual color of a mirror
What is a scalpel
This tool is used to make cuts during surgery
What is Michael Phelps
This swimmer has the most Olympic medals of all time
What is Hela
This is Thor and Loki’s sister, introduced in Thor: Ragnarok
What is Peninsula
This feature is surrounded on 3 sides by water
What is pink
This is coach Keegan’s favorite color
What is the Black Death
This disease killed over 1/3 of the population in the medieval period
What is 10 km (open water)
This is the longest swimming event in the Olympics.
What is Iron Man
This is the first marvel movie
What is Golden
This city was the original capital of colorado
What is red
When going underwater, this color is hardest to see
What is
The common name for this bone is the “collar bone”
What is a mono fin
This tool is used to achieve the fast swimming time by any human
What is Quicksilver
This character had different actors portray him in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Wanda Vision
What is Olympus Mons
The tallest mountain in the solar system
What is purple
This color of light has the highest frequency
What is an orthopedist
This doctor specializes in bones
What is Women’s 1500 and mens 1000
These two events were added at the most recent Olympics
What is Kang the Conqueror
This is the villain at the end of Loki.
What is the North Pole
If I walk one mile south, two miles west, and one mile north, and end up in the same spot where are you?