Map Reasoning | Economy and things | The People of Swana | Terms | People, Places, and Things |
What is Saudi Arabia?
This country is home to the Rub' al Khali.
What is a bazaar?
A traditional, open-air market.
What is Lebanon?
The Druze are a religious minority in this country.
What is a flat?
Another name for an apartment.
What is the Jordan River?
The West Bank is on the west bank of what river?
What is Libya?
This country is immediately west of Egypt.
What is capital?
Extra money that can be invested.
What is Iran?
Persians, who speak Farsi, are the major ethnic group in this eastern SWANA country.
What is the Knesset?
Israel's legislative body.
Who is Kemal Ataturk?
The "Father of the Turks."
What is the Nile?
The Arabian Desert's western border is this river.
What is petroleum?
This is the major export of many SWANA countries that has revolutionized life and raised standards of living, most clearly seen in Saudi Arabia.
Who are the Berbers?
The original inhabitants of the Maghreb.
What is a mandate?
Land governed by an outside power on behalf of the League of Nations until it's ready for independence.
What is urbanization?
This is the process of populations relocating from rural areas (the countryside) to the city.
What is the Strait of Bab al-Mandab?
The canal that connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.
What is infrastructure?
Roads, schools, airports, seaports, and communication facilities are collectively called this.
What is the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)?
This country-less group has fought to regain the West Bank and Gaza Strip since the 1960s.
What is shah?
Title of a the leader in post-WWII Iran.
What are hajj, Ramadan, confession of faith, daily prayer, and almsgiving?
Name 4 of the 5 pillars of Islam.
What is Iraq?
The fertile crescent, located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is primarily located in this country.
What is Israel? (Syria also acceptable, let me explain)
Jordan's economy has struggled to handle refugees from this country.
Who are the Tuaregs?
This is the nomadic group that is known as the "free men" of the Sahara desert.
What is self-determination?
The right to decide one's own political future.
Who is Saddam Hussein?
This leader invaded Kuwait in the early 1990s, claiming it as a historical province.