Attendence | Performance Management | 7 Habits | Safety/ 5S | General Policy |
What is an E-day?
An employee must work 500 hours to earn one of these.
What is annually/yearly?
Brembo's employee's performance is evaluated this often.
What is the lockout policy?
Failure to comply with this safety guideline will result in immediate termination.
What is a drug test?
New employees, employees involved in a safety incident, and employees returning from a leave of absence are required to take this type of test.
What is an unscheduled vacation (E-vac)?
A vacation requested after the end of the previous shift is considered this.
What is goals or results/core values?
Name one of the two areas employees are evaluated on.
What is recordable?
This type of injury is one that required medical treatment beyond first aid, causes death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, or loss of consciousness.
What is a cell phone?
This type of popular device is never to be seen or used by employees on the plant floor.
What is overtime?
John Smith was sick on Monday but worked Tuesday-Sunday, on Sunday his pay code.
What is 50%?
Core values/goals and competencies are weighted by this percent.
What is two feet?
This is the distance that needs to be kept between a pedestrian and a forklift.
What is the Employee Assistance Program, or EAP?
Brembo provides this service free to employees that offers support and counseling for work or personal issues.
What is 1/2 point for showing up more than 1 hour after his shift starts?
Josh Hopkins shows up art 8:03am for his 1st shift job, the penalty he receives is this.
What is a 2.9 or lower?
This rating/score qualifies an employee to receive a PIP.
What is OSHA?
This administration body is responsible for assuring safe and healthful working conditions for working me and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance?
What is tuition reimbursement/education assistance?
Brembo will reimburse up to $5,200 every calendar year for each employee that participates in this program.
What is SMART?
The acronym used for goal setting.
What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?
Information about materials used by employees are available in the form of this.
What is straight time?
Employees who work on a non-designated holiday are paid at this type of rate for hours worked that day.