#1 Becoming a social work supervisor... | #2 Becoming a social work supervisor... | #3 Counseling Supervision Within a Feminist Framework... | #4 Counseling Supervision Within a Feminist Framework... |
"In general, to be a good field worker in human services, the worker must have good ____________ and people skills, skills highly useful to move into a supervisory role."
"Supervisors must be honest with themselves about their _________ and limitations as a supervisor and be able to identify how their personal traits and interpersonal style may affect the conduct of supervision."
Feminist Supervision
"________ is the application of feminist theory and values to the supervisory proves, content, and relationship. "
Contracting, collaborative, and hierarchical.
What are the three types of feminist supervision methods?
"Workers tend to want a supervisor who is __________, has good listening skills, and is able to empathize."
"A good supervisor seeks ongoing personal ________ in their role as a supervisor through continuing education, self evaluation, feedback from others and their own reflective supervisory relationships."
Hierarchical relationship
"...clinical supervision was traditionally structured as a __________ in which supervisees hold considerably less power than supervisors."
Live Supervision
"____________ provides an opportunity for a stronger sense or participation and collaboration between supervisors and supervisees that can further strengthen the egalitarian nature of a feminist supervisory relationship."
Service Recipient
"A key value and primary goal of a human service organization is the welfare of the _________ _________ and that this also constitutes the primary goal of individual workers in the organization."
"The position of supervisor is powerful, in that it has a large _________ on the work practice and working lives of staff and in turn the agencies' provision of service to clients."
"_______ has been defined as the capacity to produce change."
Humanistic psychology
What has been viewed as a movement with clear ties to feminist theory and practice?
"A good supervisor is aware of the ________ they hold, when they use it, how and why."
"There is a gap in good ____________ and research around identifying skills and support structures that make up a good social work supervisor
Fear of criticism, lack of honesty and avoidance of responsibility
Name one of the three (3) barriers to supervisee growth.
Supervisory relationship and session content
What clearly defines feminist supervision? (HINT since it is so specific.... pg103)
Formal courses that a developed to help transition from social worker to manager are ___________ courses.
"Despite all the unanswered questions, there are real ________ to the supervisory role."
False - it will
T/F: Feminist supervision will not emphasize respect, honesty, collaboration, and empowerment for the supervisee.
Respecting each supervisee's unique goals, working to bring supervisees to awareness of their attributes, values and behaviors with respect to gender; supplying a facilitative atmosphere in which supervisees can discuss sex-role stereotypes and socialization, among other things; assisting supervisees in gaining an understanding that the personal is political, including the political impact of counseling on clients' roles in society; modeling respect and equality for supervisees; and educating supervisees on women's issues.
Feminist supervision has been defined as having six main objectives. Name at least three - Double Jeopardy - bonus 500 points if you can name all six. (HINT: somewhere between pg. 96-97 according to the article pages- answer to this will not be on the sheet)