Marvel-ous Heroes | DC Comics | Villains | Getting Down to Business | Name the actor |
What is World War 2?
This is the war that Captain America was frozen in.
Who is Spiderman?
"With great power comes great responsibility" is a phrase associated with this superhero.
Who is two-face?
Harvey Dent is also known by this name.
What is Wayne Enterprises?
Batman's alter ego owns this company.
Who is Chris Evans?
This actor has played Captain America in multiple films since 2011.
Who is the Incredible Hulk?
Dr. Bruce Banner is known as this incredible hero.
Who is Wonder Woman?
The Amazon is the origin to this hero.
Who is Catwoman?
Batman has been known to be romantically involved with this formidable feline opponent.
Who is Ironman?
Stark Industries is owned by this hero.
Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
This actor played Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin in 1997.
Who is Deadpool?
After being diagnosed with incurable cancer, this hero joined the Weapon X Program.
Who is Superman?
Kryptonite renders this superhero helpless.
Who is the Winter Soldier?
Bucky Barnes is also known as this character, and is Villain or Hero depending on your stance.
Who is Spiderman?
This photographer works for the Daily Bugle by day, and is this superhero by night.
Who is Paul Rudd?
This actor played Ant-Man in two far.
What is a ballerina.
Prior to becoming a Russian Spy, the Black widow is commonly believed to have this occupation.
Who is Green Lantern?
This member of the Justice League's superpowers only work when they wear a piece of jewelry.
Who is Doomsday?
Superman was killed by this Villain.
Who is Clark Kent?
This hero works by day as a reporter for the Daily Planet under this name.
Who is Halle Berry?
This actress played Catwoman in 2004.
What is the Baxter Building?
It is in this building that the Fantastic Four are headquartered.
What is Star City.
Green Arrow operates in this city.
Who is Sandman?
A particle accelerator turned Flint Marko into this villain.
What is a lawyer?
This is Daredevils day job.
Who is Andrew Garfield?
This actor played Spiderman in the Amazing Spiderman movies.