Drug dealer | Some assembly required | You get what you inspect | Wired for success/potpourri | OOPS, I did it again.... |
Furosemide, Captopril, Diltiazem, HCTZ, Methyldopa
75 y/o WF, h/o HTN no CAD. What is best monotherapy?
Cerebral artery aneurysm
Ebstien's anomaly Pulmon HTN, Systemic HTN Lutenbacher's syndrome
2 y/o boy with VSD. What condition is associated with chronic VSD?
Rt anterior
Rt external, Rt internal Lt external, Lt internal
42 y/o man w/ severe CP, SOB, total electrical alterans and pericardial effusion, prob tamponade. Which jugular vein is the best baromometer of CVP?
1. Conduction delay of proximal part of the right or left branches
2. Pre-excitation via an atrio-His bundle 3. Spontaneous ectopy from muscular sleeves of pulmon veins 4. Early excitation due to accessory pathways between the atria and venticles 5.Inappr
Healthy 32 y/o man no sig PMHx presents with dyspnea, palpitations, anxiety and dizziness following moderate exercise. PE: Tachy @ 130, regular, EKG short PR, slurred upstroke at beginning of QRS complex. What is the most likely etiology of his condition?
Lidocaine, Procainamide, Propanolo, Disopyramide, Amiodarone
32 black female treated for arrhythmia now with malar (butterfly )rash, joint pain, sob, cp, fatigue, fever. What drug is likely responsible for her condition?
Esmolol, Minoxidil, Diltiazem, HCTZ, Reserpine.
Best initial monotherapy for acute intraoperative HTN and tachycardia requiring short-acting agent?
Ductus arteriosus
Ductus venosus Umbilical artery Umbilical vein Inferior vena cava
What blood vessel of the prenatal circulatory system forms the medial umbilical ligaments?
Arterial compliance
Cardiac output Myocardial contractility Stroke volume Total peripheral resistance
65 y/o man at routine annual exam BP 190/100, HR 74, pulse pressure 90 mmHg. A decrease in what is most likely explanation for the high pulse pressure?
Holosystolic murmur
Diastolic murmur Venous hum Continuous murmur Systolic ejection murmur
2 y/o with VSD. What type of murmur do you hear with stethescope diaphragm and bell?
Verapamil, Propanolol, Quinidine, Digoxin, Diltiazem
35 y/o asthmatic woman with AF. What drug should be avoided?
Simvastatin, Niacin, Ezetimibe, Choleystyramine
45 y/o obese man with treated hypercholesterolemia o/w nl now with left MPTJ swelling, hyperglycemia and elevated serum uric acid suggesting DM and gout. Which drug?
Preterm girl at 1 week doing well. Continuous murmur in sys/dias at 2nd lt intercostal space, nonradiating, machinery quality. No cyanosis. No edema. What is the most likely reason for this murmur?
Aortic stenosis
Aortic regurgitation Mitral stenosis Mitral valve prolapse Aortic dissection
27 y/o man with Marfan presents with exercise intolerance and heart palpitations. PE: Mid-systolic click and late sys murmur at apex. Click and murmur are noted later in systole with squatting and earlier in systole with sudden standing. Diagnosis?
Diffuse ST elevation
S1Q3T3 pattern Delta waves U waves Since wave pattern
50 y/o male w/SSCP, worsened with inspiration, improved when leaning forwarded. Pericardial friction rub. What EKG finding is expected?
Chronic hypoxia, ischemic hypoxia, hypoventilation, hyperventilation, tachypnea
59 y/o man having an MI. Damage to cardiac muscle occurs as a result of which of the following?
Digoxin (inc CO)
Alenolol (dec cardiac work and dec vent ectopic foci) Lidocaine (prevent PVC) Amiodarone (control occassional PVC)
Outpt prophylactic treatment for acute MI producing minimal change in cardiac output, includes ASA and..?
Aortic root aneurysm due to Marfan syndrome
Aortic coarctation Patent ductus arteriosus Persistent right aortic arch Persistent truncus arteriosus
20 y/o man with progressive dysphagia found to be due to a congenital cardiovascular anomaly. The defect is most likely?...
Cystic medial degeneration
Infarction Plasma cells around the vasa vasorum Severe atherosclerosis Tree-barking
50 y/o man HTN with new severe, "tearing" chest pain which migrates from upper back to mid back over one hour. After surgery, pathologic examination of a specimen removed from the pt would most likely demonstrate?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy Dilated cardiomyopathy Inflammatory pericarditis Constrictive pericarditis
57 y/o woman w/ h/o alcohol abuse, DM, HTN and c/o progressive dyspnea, fatigue and lower extremity edema. S3 gallop. ST-T changes. Echo shows LV dilatation and 35% EF. Diagnosis?
Bacterial infection Congenital anomaly Cystic medial degeneration Syphilis
74 y/o man with palpable, large, pulsating abdominal mass. To what is the patient's mass most likely etiologically related?
Digoxin, Indomethacin, PGE1, PGE2, Adenosine
Newborn w/ central cyanosis, holosystolic murmur @LSB, Xray shows pulmon oligemia, EKG shows left axis dev'n and LVH. What is the diagnosis and what drug might you consider as part of the treatment?
Rt to left shunt
Lt to right shunt normal flow alternating rt to lt, then lt to rt shunting
Cyanotic newborn girl. CXR shows small heart and pulmon oligema. EKG shows RVH. What type of blood flow (in general terms)?
Unstable angina
Stable angina Vincent angina Prinzmetal'sangina Ludwig's angina
65 y/o with 10 yr h/o angina tx'd with NTG. Now incr freq and severity CP requiring incr'd NTG. Less exercise tolerance, quicker onset of pain. What is this condition called?
Increased EDV
Increased time in diastole Reflex tachycardia Decreased EDV Coronary arterial vasoconstriction
Undesirable side effect of propanolol with respect to treatment of stable angina?
Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Idiopathic causes Cardiomyopathy Valvular heart disease Ethanol use
55 y/o with dyspnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, nocturia and anorexia, mild pitting edema. What is the most common cause of his condition?