The Good Samaritan | Caught in the Act |
What happened to the man while walking from Jerusalem to Jericho?
He was attacked, beaten, stripped and left for dead by robbers.
What sin did the woman commit?
Name two of the three types of people who saw the man.
A priest and a Levite
Who brought the woman to Jesus?
The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law
Why was it surprising that the Samaritan took pity on the man?
Samaritans and Israelites hated each other, they were enemies.
According to the Law, she was to be stoned to death.
What happened when Jesus asked them to throw the first stone?
They went away one by one.
What did he do?
He went to him, bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He took care of him, put him on his donkey and took him to the innkeeper.
Why did no one condemn her?
They all knew they were guilty of sin.
How much did he give the innkeeper?
Two denarii
Why didn't Jesus condemn her?
He came to forgive sinners and to turn them away from sin.