Who is Judas
The diciple who betrayed Jesus was _____
What is Exodus
The second book of the Bible is _____
What is dirt and spit
Jesus knelt down and mixed _____ and _____ to put on the blind man's eyes
Who are Jesus and disciples
_____ and _____ were at the last supper
Who is Jesus
Mary saw _____ on the way to tell the disciples about the empty tomb
Who is Peter
The disciple who heard the rooster crow and cried was _____
What is Genesis
Joseph's story is in _____ book of the Bible
What is the water to move/healing
At the pool of Bethesda people were laying around waiting for _____
What is blood
The cup in the supper represented Jesus' _____
Who is Joseph of Arimathea
_____ requested Jesus' body and put him in his tomb
Who is Mary
The woman who anointed Jesus' feet with costly perfume was _____
What is Isaiah
The book that comes right before Jeremiah is _____
What is hear his voice and follow him
Sheep of the real shepherd _____ his voice and _____ him
What is passover
They were observing _____ holiday in Jerusalem during last supper
Who is an angel
_____ was sitting on the rolled away stone
Who are guards
_____ lied about Jesus' resurrection
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The four books that make up the gospel are ___, ___, ___, ___
What is good/fertile, rocky, thorny, wayside
The four types of soil in the parable of the sower are ___,___, ___, ___
What is he was a servant/wanted to serve them
Jesus washed the disciples feet because
Who is Mary
_____ is the woman who came to the tomb first
"whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned"
Mark 16:16
"Whoever _____ and is _____ will be saved, but whoever ___ ___ ___ will be condemned" Mark 16:16
Is this book in the Old or New Testament?
The first question you ask yourself when locating a book in the Bible is _____
What is persistent/ didn't give up
The judge finally helped the widow because she _____
What is dip his hand in the dish with Jesus
At the supper Jesus said his betrayer would do what ___
What is rising from the dead/coming back to life
_____ means resurrected