Drugs | Drug Effects | Peer Pressure | True or False | Myth or Fact |
What is a standard drink?
A 12oz beer or a 5 oz glass of wine, or 1.5 oz of hard liquor is called this:
What is tolerance?
Needing more of a substance to feel high.
What is peer pressure?
The feeling you are being pushed to make a good or bad choice.
What is False?
Alcohol is one of the “safer” drugs because it cannot cause death.
What is a Myth?
Drugs help relieve stress and deal with problems.
What is the definition of drug?
A non-food, chemical substance that causes a change in the body , the mind, or the ways someone behaves.
What is dependency?
A person can’t stop taking a drug without help, even if they want to; they feel sick when they stop using.
What is Put downs?
Calling someone names or making someone feel bad is an example of what form of peer pressure?
What is False?
A “peer” is an adult or someone who is much older than you.
What is a Fact?
Marijuana smoke has more cancer causing chemicals than tobacco.
What is Binge drinking?
Having 5 or more drinks for men and 4 or more for women in one sitting is called this:
What is girls?
Due to bodily differences, they are likely to get drunk quicker on the same amount of alcohol as their counterpart.
What is Hanging with positive influences and avoiding people who make bad decisions?
Name one way to stay out of negative peer pressure.
What is False?
A Person can sober up by drinking coffee.
What is a Fact?
Sniffing large amounts of aerosol can cause heart attack or death from suffocation because inhalants replaces oxygen in the lungs.
What is alcohol?
This drug causes the most deaths in the United States.
Some drugs like cocaine or speed are called stimulants and do this your central nervous system.
Some drugs like cocaine or speed are called stimulants and do this your central nervous system.
What is Reasoning?
Someone is trying to get you to try a cigarette. Everyone is saying, “Come on, you will feel so cool if you do! Everybody is doing it. You will love it. What bad of tricks is this?
What is False?
If you know what you are doing, you can use illegal drugs safely.
What is a Myth?
If you are pregnant and use drugs, your body protects the baby.
What are reasons people use drugs?
To fit in, look older, forget problems, relax, peer pressure, to get high.
What is firm?
You should use this tone of voice when saying “No” to negative peer pressure.
What is True?
Alcohol and other drugs can interfere with a young person’s physical development.
What is a Myth?
You have to use drugs for along time before they can really hurt you.