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Emily Blunt
Is Emily Blunt or Watson a person who stutters?
Continuous Phonation
Keep the voice on for the whole phrase until a comma or period.
Approximately 60% of those who stutter have a family member who does also
The stuttering community has its share of scientists, writers, and college professors. People who stutter have achieved success in every profession imaginable.
People who stutter are less smart
Mufasa - James Earl Jones
Which voice from the Lion King Stutters?
Put an unhelpful thought through a cycle and reframe it
Since stuttering often runs in families people who have parents who stutter might also stutter but this is from shared genes not because they caught it or imitation.
Stuttering is contagious
Stuttering is more common in males than females
Ed Sheeran
What famous singer from England stutters?
What numbers on the tension scale do you go to for slide-outs?
That is about 1% of the total population
70 million people around the world and 3 million Americans stutter
5% of all children stutter
King George VI
Which famous king is known for having a stutter?
What numbers on the tension scale do you do for ease-ins?
This was widely believed early in the 20th century but has been disproven in most studies since 1940. Although attempts to change handedness do not cause stuttering, the stress that resulted when a child was forced to switch hands may have increased stuttering for some individuals
Forcing a left-handed child to become right-handed causes stuttering
This was the premise of an infamous study from 1939. The study was discredited decades ago, but this outdated theory still crops up occasionally. Today, we know that talking about stuttering unquestionably does not cause a child to stutter
Identifying or labeling a child as a stutterer results in chronic stuttering
Marilyn Monroe
Is Marilyn Monroe or Lady Gaga a person who stutters?
At the beginning of every phrase/sentence
Do you use easy onsets only on real moments of stuttering or at the beginning of every phrase/sentence?
People who stutter choose when they stutter
There is no overnight cure for stuttering