General White-Collar Crime | Self Regulation in the Legal Professions | Fraud Against the Public |
Use of pseudonyms and initials.
A tactic utilized by white collar criminals to preserve their anonymity/credibility in SRO & court proceedings?
When SRO's claim they enforce ethical standards/conduct that otherwise would be overlooked by other social control entities like the CJS or other governmental agencies.
What is meant by the phrase "funnel in"?
"Funnelling out"
When professional self-regulating organizations are too easy on their members by not imposing significant, penalties for professional misconduct.
1. Reporting
2. Investigating 3. Venue of action 4. Prosecuting 5. Adjudication 6. Sentencing
"Discretion in applying the law can take place at a number of different levels". Name two different ways discretion is exercised over the application of the law.
Officers of the Legal Services Ombudsman
Who is the individual that works independently from the legal SRO's in the UK?
When professionals charge for more than was performed.
5% reported their abusers.
According to the Task Force on Sexual Abuse of patients, what percent of victims reported their abusers?
Consumer approach would be concerned with how has the client been harmed.
The Regulatory approach would be concerned with what violation was committed by the lawyer.
What is the difference between a consumer oriented approach and a regulatory approach for complaint resolution?
1. the perpetrator's ability to redefine the violation
2. the perpetrator's feeling that insensitive external forces are interfering with his or her just deserts 3. the availability of opportunities to violate the law easily 4. the perpetrator's belief th
Name two of the four conditions that facilitate health care fraud?
Because ATI legislation does not mandate transparent record keeping.
According to Larsen and Walby's disclosure spectrum, what is the major flaw in Access to Information (ATI) legislation?
Substantial increase in the use of fines and a substantial decrease in disbarment.
What were the two major differences Brockman observed in her most recent analysis on self regulation in the legal profession?
Welfare recipients are subjected to surveillance, whereas health care professionals are subjected to education. Complex rules work against welfare recipients who are assumed to know the law, whereas complex rules can serve as an excuse for health care pro
In general, how do the complex rules of law differ in their application of welfare recipients versus health care professionals?