Thanksgiving | Time | The Perfect Game | Stand and Deliver | Classes |
What is turkey?
What is 9:30am? (Hint use a las)
a las nueve y trienta en la manana
What country did the movie take place in?
What was Jaime originaly suppose to teach?
Computer Science
What does Senior teach?
Espanol y Trigonometria
What is boy serving mashed potatoes?
Muchacho sierve puree de papas
What is 1:45 pm? (Hint use a la)
a la uno y cuarenta cinco en la tarde
Where did the boy find the baseball?
in front of the church
Discribe the students attitude at Garfield High?
they have no respect and very sarcastic
What does Sera. Johnson teach?
Ingles y recurados anual escolar
What is girl purchases plates?
Muchacha compra platos
What is 12:47pm? (Hint use a las)
a las doce y cuarenta y siete en la tarde
Why were the students accused of cheating?
they all got the same inccorect answers
What does Sera. Hamlet?
Ingles, oracion
What is hungry?
tienen hambre
What is 5:56am? (Hint use a las)
a las cinco y cincuenta y sies
What list 2 or more kinds of racism did the boys face?
segregation, name calling
What problem was Garfield students facing?
gang violence
What does Sera. Utecht teach?
Algebra uno, geometria
What is boy and girl return home and prepare turkey and mashed potatoes?
Muchacho y Muchacha regresar casa y prepara pavo y puree de papas
What is 4:07am? (HInt use a las)
a las cuatro y siete
What team did Cesar work for?
St. Louis Cardinals
Name 3 out of the 5 commitments the students needed to do to take calculus?
1. come on weekends 2. come 2 hrs before school 3. stay until 5pm 4. go to summer school 5. pass the AP test
What does Sr. Murphy teach?