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Agnosticism is belief that the existence of God is not provable.
Provide a definition of agnosticism
State the Jewish term for bride
A mighty fortress is our God
Name a hymn written by Martin Luther
acceptable to a degree especially coitus interruptus but definitely not abortion
What is the attitude of Islam to contraception?
children , God
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the .............. of .............
Which nation has the highest number of Christian adherents?
12th- 13th century
Which century did Maimonides live?
Dependson the denomination- More conservative eg Catholic say it is wrong. More liberal eg Uniting Church say it is not the ideal but should be accepted.
Does Christianity support homosexuality?
“Do not go anywhere near ...........- it is an outrage and an evil path.” fill in the missing word.
What is
List 2 Christian organisations that work for peace in the world
social transformation
Advocay on behalf of disadvantaged groups by religious traditions in Australia is an example of which of the following a) concept of the transcendent b) a non- religious belief c)social transformationd) religious tolerance?
revelation of God
sacred writings and texts halachah, commandments prophetic vision, tikkun olah, gemilut chasidim, tzedekah
What is the basis for Jewish ethics? AT least 3 .
sprinkling, pouring, "dunking"
Define the following: aspersion, affusion, immersion
The trick on Muhammad about the honey
What act by Aisha showed that she was really human
mankind, life
“Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all ............. And whoever saves a ......, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)
search for personal fulfilment,search for ethical guidance, rise of materialism, influence of scientific progress, growth of ecologiocal awareness,disenchantment with traditional religious practices and guidance
Provide 2 reasons for the rise of new reigious expressions
• when pregnancy or childbirth might harm the mother
• to limit the number of children in a family for the benefit of the family • to delay or space out having children
When can an Orthodox Jew use contraception. Provide 2 times.
commandments, Bible, Beatitudes, Commandment of love
What is the basis of Christian ethics?
tawaf- 7
What is the term for circumambulation of the Ka'ba and how many times must it be done?
sword- he wasn't saying that he was agianst peace but that his message would split families .. “The father shall be divided against his son” because of their belief in Jesus.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace but a ....” (Mark 10:34)Fill in the missing word and explain why this can't be used to say Jesus was against peace.
cultural aspects of society ( laws in Australia based on Christian beliefs and ethics) ethical guidance (showing people of a religious tradition how they should dress etc eg Islam); connect members of society to a common past with rituals etc eg coronati
Provide 2 ways plus examples of each of how religion can provide social cohesion
Commentary on the Mishneh
They provide a simple list of Jewish beliefs
Which of MM's books has the 13 Principles in it?Why are these important to adherents?
Diet of Worms
"Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against
argument over how the leader should be chosen after Muhammad's death; Aisha believing that Ali was not pursuing the murderer of the 3rd caliph Uthman
Name 2 reasons why Islam split into sunni and shi'a
confession. prayer, meditation, reading the Bible, church
List 3 ways Chriistians believe they can gain inner peace