Tutoring services | Customer Service | Random #1 | Random #2 | Know your Success Professionals |
Who is Reed Mellinger?
This person is in charge of tutoring services
What is greet them?
First thing you do when someone walks into the Student Success Center.
What is a resume?
Career development will look over your ___
What is Student Accounts, Registrar, and Financial Aid?
The 3 departments that share the same entrance in Ulmer
Who is Benji
Has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do
What is the writing center?
Located on the 2nd floor of the library, this is a service meant to help students with essays and other writing projects.
What is undivided attention?
You owe your --- to people that come into Ulmer.
What is the HOPE Center and Counseling Services
Two places students can go if they are having trouble with their mental health
What is Glennon?
Students go here if they are sick and need a doctors note
Who is Becca
This person is the 6th person in their family to go to Lock Haven University.
What is the math center?
Located in 409 Robinson, this is a drop-in service meant to assist students that are struggling with math.
What is rounds?
This begins at 6 and ends at 8 for people working at the desk.
What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
Kenny Hall is in charge of
What is the Office of Disability Services
Students who have a registered disability that requires special accommodations go here
Who is Dakotah
This person has bowled 5 perfect games and is a 2-time state champion bowler.
What is the PsyCenter?
Located in 309 Robinson, this is a drop-in service meant to assist students that are struggling with psychology.
What is walking them to their destination in the building?
Need to do this when someone can't find their way.
What is Student & Residence Life?
If you have trouble with housing or a meal plan, you contact
What is Dr. Lynn Bruner
This person is in charge of Counseling Services
Who is Amy
This person loves snow.
What is Friday?
This is the only day of the week that there are no tutoring services offered.
What is "Student Success Center, this is blank, how can I help you?"
The greeting for when you answer the phone.
What is Global Engagement Office?
If you are looking to study abroad, you contact
What is Handshake?
The website that Career Development uses to help students find jobs and internships.
Who is George
This person has an Undergrad in Computer Science.