Alberta Education | True or False | Hollywood | Back In the Day | Mix and Match |
What is the Name and Hometown of our Minister of Education?
Honorable Jeff Johnson. His hometown is Athabasca Alberta
What celebrity is the reason behind "twerking"
Miley Cyrus
What was the tallest structure in the world in 1902?
The Eiffel Tower
What is Inspiring Education?
The new iniative of Alberta Education to make learning more student centered and create more possibilites for Leaders of Change
What convinced Rebel Wilson to peruse an acting career?
She contracted Malaria and hallucinated that she was an Oscar winning actress while she was in South Africa.
What was an Olympic sport from 1912-1948
How many schools are in Alberta, including francophone, public, separate, and charter,etc?
Approximately 2,000.
To be exact it is 2,157 |
What Actress learned how to skin squirrels for their role in Winter's Bone?
Jennifer Lawerence
What year did the first movie theater open? What was it called?
1867 1898 1905 1912
Nickelodeon is the first movie theater opened in 1905. It only cost a nickle to get in.
What is the name of 3 things you studied in third grade science?
-Building structures -Sound -Life cycles -Animal needs |
What two male actors were roommates while they attended Harvard?
Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore
What is the longest movie ever made?
The Cure of Insomnia (1927)
What is GED tests?
They are General Educational Development tests. They are used in Language Arts for reading and writing, mathematics , Social studies and science. A person over the age of 18 may take these tests in order to receive a High School Equivalency Diploma.
What female singer was an army cadet?
What did the ancient Egyptians combine to ward off death?
Half an onion and beer foam