Risk Factors | Prevention | Control | Statistics and Definition |
What is uncontrollable risk factors
Age, gender, race, family history are all ______
What is Speech,movement, or memory
Name an ability that is lost while having a stroke?
What is rehab(therapy)
After a stroke has occurred it is also common for
_______ to be offered. |
What is brain attack
Another name for Stroke
What is controllable risk factors
Obesity, alcohol, tobacco, hypertension, and diabetes are all ______
What is fruits and vegetables
Our diet should consist of both ________ and ________
What is ischemic stroke
During an _______ stroke a clot buster drug(tPa) can be administered intravenously to remove the clot blockage.
What is brain
A Stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery, interrupting the flow of blood to an area of the ______
What is African Americans
Race that has greatest risk for Stroke
Stroke is the _____ leading cause of death in the United States
What is Female
Gender who has more strokes