Retirement Age Stratification
What is retirement?
Rite of passage that that marks a critical transition from one phase of life to another.
What Is gerontology?
The study of which the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and the problems of the aged.
What is happening to the current trends of early retirement? Is it going up or down?
Trends going down
What is labeling theorists?
See old age as a life stage that is defined by society
What is the honeymoon phase?
an often euphoric period in which the person pursues activities that he or she never had time for ­before
What is age stratification?
Associates certain social roles with distinct periods in life.
How many phases of retirement are there?
7 phases
What is conflict theorists?
See it as a time when people are victimized and their social roles are devalued
What is the termination phase?
which begins when the person can no longer engage in basic, day-to-day activities such as self-care and housework
What is hard age discrimination?
includes legally prohibited types of behavior, such as employment decision-making related to hiring, promotion, or firing.

Stratification of Age

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