Buildings around Stonehill | Food Options | Animals Found on Campus | Resources on Campus | Iconic Symbols of Stonehill |
Thomas and Donna May Hall
What is the name of the building we are currently in?
Which place has salad and rice bowls as the main food options?
What animal can be frequently found running up trees?
Located in front of Alumni Hall
Where is Campo located?
What is the mascot of Stonehill?
Meehan Business Building
Which building is the newest building on campus?
Au Bon Pain
What does ABP stand for?
What tall animal can be found anywhere on campus?
Office of Financial Assistance
What office do you go to with tuition questions?
What is the name of our mascot?
Shields Science Center
What is the name of the science building?
Does Stonehill offer Sushi?
Which two of this animal lives in the lake under the Red Bridge?
Where is the Office of Intercultural Affairs located?
Donahue Hall
What is the name of the building on the top of the hill?
Roche Commons
Which building has two different places to eat
None, they all take meal plan money
Which food option on campus does not take meal plan money?
Snapping turtle
What giant animal is rarely seen because it lives in the lake?
Health Services
What office should you call for medical or mental health issues?
The founders of Stonehill made their profits in shovel making and now we have one of the biggest shovel museums in the area.
What is the importance of shovels to Stonehill?
Donahue Hall
Which building was formally the Welcome Center?
Some places around Stonehill will take Hill Dollars
Which of the previous animals is the most likely to go to Dunkin in the morning?
Library 3rd floor
Where is the CWAA located?
The grass
What green thing that can be found everywhere on campus is what the college spends the most money on?