Rules Rights Roles Responsibilities Respect
*No short skirts/shorts
*No spaghetti or halter tops
*Closed toed shoes
*No inappropriate messages or images
What are the guidelines for modest dress while at Family Retreat?
*If you must go to the bathroom or run a quick errand, you can ask someone to watch your camper briefly.
*You are NOT required to help with personal needs
*Don't wander off alone with your camper~stay in the sight of others.
*DON'T enter their housing
What are some boundaries that are in place to protect you and your camper?

You set the tone for the week. Let it be a positive one!
What is one of the most important things you can do to make this week meaningful and successful for your camper, your team, and yourself?
**You have one camper
*S/he will be with you all week
*You cannot trade or pawn him/her off
*You're expected to keep track of your camper at all times that you are responsible for him/her.
**If you're having difficulty, pray about it and talk to Emily.
What are your responsibilities and expectations for when you are with your camper?
*Don’t yell. Avoid talking too loudly at someone. A lower voice can often be easier to understand.
*If you are having difficulty understanding someone, ask them to clarify or repeat what you think you understood.
*BE PATIENT. Give them time.
What are some things to remember about communicating with people with disabilities?
You are not to leave the campus at any time, unless you have specific permission from Sandy, Michelle, or an STM coordinator (Emily or Carol).
Under what circumstances are you allowed to leave the Maranatha campus during Family Retreat?
*You'll have one 1-hour break everyday in the afternoon, and you'll need to schedule it with your family.
~You can: Read, Take a nap (set an alarm), Go for a walk, Journal, Pray, Make a phone call, etc.
~Don't: Leave campus, or use the zipline or the spa.
When can I take my 1-hour break, and what can I do while I am on break?
It is so very important for you to not only be physically prepared for the week, but also spiritually fit and ready for the week.
*Complete the devotional from the welcome packet you received in the mail.
*Attend morning devotions with the STM team.
What are some important things you can do to remain spiritually "healthy and fit" during Family Retreat?
*Breakfast, lunch, & dinner are spent with your camper and the family
*Assist them in any way they need
*Make their plate first and ask if they need help eating
*If they have a special diet, make sure they stick to it!
*Don't tip chairs to save seats.
What are your responsibilities at meal times?
“People-first language” refers to a way to talk about people--in this case, people with disabilities.
The basic idea is to name the person first and the condition second.
For example, say "people with disabilities" rather than "disabled people".
What is people-first language?
*Keep your area tidy
*RESPECT your roommates
*Be in your rooms by 11:15 p.m.
*Keep the noise level down
*Lights out at 11:30 p.m.
What are the basic expectations of roommate/housing etiquette?
You have the right to a full night's rest~so do your roommates/housemates.
We will be enforcing lights out and making sure that rooms/dorms are quiet at that time.
Respect each other's belongings.
Respect each other's schedules and scheduling needs.
What are my rights in regards to rest and respect in my housing?
*Honor God in everything we do
*Build relationships built on trust and respect
*Maintain integrity & excellence
*Practice responsible stewardship
What are the Joni and Friends Core Values?
*Remain with your camper/family
*Engage in activities with them
*Remember what activities are offered at what times
*If your family is “unavailable” – you still are. Let your STM Coordinators know that you are free and we’ll give you something to do!
What are your responsibilities during Afternoon Family Free Time?
*Don’t talk “down” to a person, assuming that they cannot understand. No baby talk.
*Talk directly to the person with the disability, not to the family or attendant.
*Look at them so they know you are listening.
*Speak clearly.
What are some things to remember about communicating with people with disabilities?
*Are disrespectful or uncooperative
*Go into a camper’s room alone or take a camper to your room
*Leave your camper alone for an extended time
*Leave the retreat site without permission
*Wear immodest clothing
*Use profane language
What actions or attitudes could result in an STM being asked to leave?
Your age-group team leader is always your first point of contact, especially during morning programming.
Next in command is your STM Coordinator(s).
If the need requires, your team leader or STM coordinator will take the matter to Michelle or Sandy.
How should I ask for help?
What is my chain of command?
*You agreed to follow the rules on your application
*We take the safety of our campers & other STMs VERY SERIOUSLY
*You are expected to adhere to the rules during Family Retreat.
Why do we have a Code of Conduct?
**If you or your camper are hurt:
*Find a leader to call the nurse and STAY CALM.
**If your camper has a seizure (and a parent is not around), stay calm and send someone for a nurse/parent.
*Protect them by moving objects and turn them on their side after
What are your responsibilities in an emergency (first aid) situation?
1. Your words matter, so use them to heal, not hurt.
2. Your attitude will speak louder than your words; there is grace when you un-intentionally say the “wrong” thing.
3.Regardless of what terminology the family uses, we will use appropriate terms.
What are some terms to avoid when working with families affected by disabilities?
*Cell phones and other devices are to remain OFF (except on break/off times, or if you have permission due to camper need).
*Care for a camper always comes before taking photos. If deemed to be neglecting camper, you'll be asked to leave it in your room.
What are the rules and restrictions for cell phone use and camera use?
*Do not post photos without permission.
*Make sure your posts are positive and full of blessing.
*Filter all status updates with the thought, "What if my camper or their family reads this? How would they feel?"
What are important boundaries to remember when using social media?
*You can sit and listen as they express their frustrations or hurts, being a compassionate ear.
*You can lovingly feed them and wipe their chin, expressing that you care.
*You can run, giggle, skip, and hold hands.
*Let God work in and through you.
What are some ways we can be the hands and feet of Jesus this week at Family Retreat?
Attend ((ALL)) STM meetings (evening debriefs and morning devotions—on time!)
What are your responsibilities in regards to STM meetings?
Don't assume that because a person is non-verbal they cannot understand you or communicate with you.
*Place yourself in a position that will make the person comfortable.
*Find creative ways to communicate.
*Use Yes or No questions~ may be easier for them.
What are some ways to communicate and connect with individuals that are non-verbal?

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