Stimulants 1 Stimulants 2 Stimulants 3 Stimulants 4 Stimulants 5
What is cocaine, amphetamines, amphetamine-related prescription pills, over-the-counter simulant pills, caffeine and nicotine.
What are the 6 common stimulant drugs?
What is a person's appetite and ability to sleep.
At any dose stimulants will decrease these two things...
What is two weeks.
Stimulant drug withdrawal can last for up to....
What is withdrawal.
What is a period of negative feelings that occurs when the use of a substance is stopped.
What is uncontrollable physical activity, repetitive behavior, tension, anxiety, heart beat faster, pupils enlarge, ringing in the ears, sweats and chills
What are two physical effects of stimulants (Hint: there are a number of them but pick 2)
What is severe confusion.
Delirium is a state of...
What is paranoia.
If a person feels someone is out to get them or are trying to make them do something against their will that is known as....
What is the nervous system
Stimulants energize ______ by making the nerves act more quickly than normal.
What is alert, confident, happy, high or depressed.
Stimulants can make a person feel... (there are 5 answers pick 3)
What is more alert and keep them awake.
At low doses stimulants make people...
What is psychotic break.
During a ______ a person may have a severe break with reality.
What are self-help meetings, meditating and exercising.
Name one way a person going through withdrawal can help reduce their symptoms dramatically (hint: there are 3)
What is an illusion.
When a person's mind tricks them into believing that a real object is actually something else it is called a...
What is through the lungs.
DAILY DOUBLE - If a drug enters the body through _____ it reaches the brain faster.
What is hours.
The initial stage of stimulant withdrawal begins _____ of the last use.
What is very tense and agitated, extremely nervous and on edge.
At very high doses, and with continued use, stimulants will cause people to become....
What is personality.
Stimulants can cause temporary changes in a user's ______. Shy people may become aggressive, quite people may become loud.
What is hear noises and see movements that they would normally ignore.
Stimulants will make people in the state more aware of their surroundings, so they... (finish the sentence).
What s psychoactive or mood-altering.
Drugs of abuse are called....
What is intoxication, delirium, psychosis and withdrawal.
Stimulants can change the user's mood, thinking and behavior. These drugs can produce mental states such as... (there are 4 answers, pick 2)
What is hallucination
A _____ occurs when someone believes they see, hear or touch something that does not exist.
What is 3 or 4 days.
Stimulant withdrawal symptoms peak within...
What is feel hallucination.
During a ______ (two words) a person may think bugs are crawling under or on their skin.
What is neurotransmitters.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY - When a person uses stimulants certain ______ are increased.
What is months.
If a person has been using stimulants for a long time it may take ______ for things to return to normal.

Stimulant Drugs

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