Air Force Academy | Food | Miscellaneous | Animals | AFAF & AOG Colleagues |
What is Contrails?
The handbook of heritage notes, quotes, and various items details which have to be committed to memory. Also the white lines in the sky left by jets.
What is corn?
This is a food that came from Native Americans and is fun to pop.
What is Mercury?
This planet is closest to the sun.
What are Chimpanzees?
They use tools and sometimes use currency?
Who is Dale Zschoche?
Has visited 45 countries, mostly by boat.
What is Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do?
These are the core values of the Air Force.
What is spiced ham?
These two words were combined to make the word ‘Spam’.
What is 1.5 miles.
The length of a nautical mile.
What is an owlet?
The name of a baby owl.
Who is Kelly Shelton?
Was awarded Colorado Springs Business Journal's Rising Stars.
When is 1976?
The year women first attended the Academy.
What is honey?
This is the only food that will never spoil.
What is a Heath Bar.
The candy bar included in American soldiers' rations during the second world war.
What is a pandemonium?
What a group of parrots are known as.
Who is Roger Smith?
Someone who played semi-professional football.
What is Harmon Hall?
Houses administrative offices at the Academy, including the Superintendent’s office.
What is Canadian Oil?
Canola is an abbreviation for these words.
What is the Peregrine Falcon?
The fastest bird, with recorded speeds of up to 186mph.
What is a jellyfish?
A specific species of this animal is immortal.
Who is Raz Doherty?
Has extended family members in the Philippines.
What is Fast Neat Average Friendly Good Good (FNAFGG)?
How to fill out a USAFA Form O-96 in Mitchell Hall.
What is apple sauce?
This was the first food eaten in outer space.
What is a piano?
This has lots of keys but cannot open any lock.
What is an oyster?
The sea creature that can change its gender.
Who is Katrina Claydon?
Is a black belt (so does their son) in marital arts.