Politics | Roles and Duties | Contract |
What are COPE meetings?
These are monthly meetings at the hospital to discuss politics.
What is the SEIU office number?
305 620 6555
What are 1991's bargaining units?
Three groups: RNs, Professionals, Attending Physicans
What is Lobby Day?
This is a once a year event where nurses, doctors, and healthcare professionals travel to Tallahassee to discuss important issues with the state's politicians.
What are some steward basic duties?
Update bulletin board, update unit lists, answer union questions
What is every 3 years ?
How often we renegotiate our entire contract?
Who are the Miami Dade Board of County Commissioners?
Barbara Jordan, Xavier Suarez, Pepe Diaz, Estevan Bovo, Jean Monestime, Audrey Edmonson, Sally Heyman, Bruno Barreiro, Rebecca Sosa, Daniella Levine-Cava, Dennis Moss, Javier Souto, and Juan Zapata.
What is the contract?
This is the first document a steward should consult when a member asks a question.
What is a Memorandum of Understanding
A legally binding agreement between the union and management that is signed outside of the bargaining process.
What are COPE contributions?
This is the sole financial source for 1991's political activities
What is contact the rep and/or board member?
This is what a steward should do if he/she doesn't know an answer to a question and can't find it in the contract.
Who is the Bargaining Team?
Members from various Bargaining Units and locations across JHS who help negotiate the contracts.
What is the credibility and unified voice of Jackson's Healthcare Professionals, Attending Physicans and RNs?
This is the source of SEIU 1991's political power.
What is a steward?
This person is a worksite union leader and enforcer of the contract.
What is 4.2%?
The value between step increases for every SEIU job classification.