Steroids and the Youth | Steroids | 3 | |
What is: Skipping meals, lifting excessively, taking anabolic steroids, takings proteins/creatine supplements
1. What are some steps that student athletes are taking to obtain the physique or appearance of their celebrity athlete that they idolize?
all possible answers: Anavar, Winstrol,Trenbolone Erythropoietin Androstenedione gonadotropin bromantan Ephedrine Acetazolamide, and Dianabol
Name a steroid.
1. celebrities
1. 1. Athletes are now considered ______ in the media.
How many students have been caught using steroids?
What is :Yes, it is a very big problem in high school athletics yet many are unaware
2. Is steroid use amongst high school student-athletes common?
The side effects include shrinking of testicles, baldness, and enlargement of breasts for men, and women decrease in breast size, growth of facial hair and getting a deeper voice.
Name two negative side effects of steroids
2. Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, Bruce Irvin, Shawn Merriman, Roger Clemens
2. Name a popular athlete known for his steroid abuse.
What is: : Abusers of steroids tend to suffer depression, suicidal thoughts, shrinkage in private parts, and more susceptible
3. What is a side effect of anabolic steroid abuse?
What hormone do steroids contain?
3. 3. Sports celebrities hold a lot of ______influence.
What is: the MLB
4. Which professional sports league is Arrowheading a program to inform parents of the commonness of youth steroid abuse?
What group of people does the most steroids?