Vocabulary | Introduction | King's Opinion | On Writing | Discussion Questions |
What is "mediocre"?
Of only ordinary or moderate quality.
What is a "conscious reader"?
One who reads.
What is "read a lot and write a lot"?
What two things does King say you need in order to be a writer?
What is "the saxophone"?
What instrument did Owen play?
What is
Why does King feel that reading poorly written books can have a positive effect on budding writers?
What is "nostalgia"?
A sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.
What is "excuses for not reading"?
Busy schedules, traffic, distracting phone calls and text messages, kids, and great shows on cable TV.
What is "reading"?
What is the creative center of a writer's life according to King?
What is "Asteroid Miners"?
What was an important book in King's life?
What is
According to King, why is it necessary to read a lot and write a lot in order to be a good writer?
What is "protagonists"?
The main character in a literary work.
What are "Jeff Bezos' reasons why we do not read"?
It is less "sexy" than video games, DVDs, messaging, and other new media.
What is "a polite society"?
What does King think you cannot be a part of in order to be a truthful writer?
What is "zestful"?
What word did Murray Leinster often use that King disliked?
What is
Do you think King experiences emotions and connection in certain pieces of literature more than others? How does this correlate with his childhood?
What is "sacrifice"?
The surrender of something prized for the sake of something with a more desirable claim.
What "makes us better writers"?
Reading- conscious reading.
What is "poorly written books are a learning experience that show you how not to write"?
What does King have to say about poorly written books?
What is "Ray Bradbury"?
When King read this author as a child, he also wrote like him.
What is
Being a world renowned writer, does King's perspective on the writing culture he has observed surprise you? Why or why not?
What is "zestful"?
Characterized by hearty enjoyment or excitement.
What is Taylor Mali's poem he mentions in the Introduction?
"The The Impotence of Proofreading".
What is "blunt, condescending, and serious"?
What is King's tone throughout the passage?
What is "the real importance of reading"?
It creates an ease and intimacy with the process of writing.
What is
Why does King think we read? Why does he feel this way?