Stem Cell Differentiation | Stem-Cell Niches | Dolly the Sheep | Uses of Stem Cells | BIOL101 Exam Questions |
What is undifferentiated?
This term describes how stem cells are "unspecialized."
What is differentiating?
Stem-Cell niches prevent stem cells from doing this.
What is an adult cell (differentiated cell)?
Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be cloned using this type of cell.
What is regenerative?
Stem cells have this kind of property that makes it useful in growing tissues and organs.
What is sister chromatids?
These biological structures contain identical genetic information prior to crossing over.
What is mitosis?
This process allows stem cells to create new cells either identical to themselves or more specialized.
What is asymmetrically?
When connected to a niche cell, stem cells undergo mitosis in this fashion.
What is 276?
It took this many tries to successfully create Dolly the sheep.
What is a beating heart?
This organ was successfully grown using donor cells in 2016.
What is chromosome?
Every somatic cell has an identical set of this molecule,
What is totipotent stem cells?
This type of stem cell has the potential to differentiate into any type of cell.
What is a complex?
This area is where stem cells receive signals from the niche tissue.
What is G0?
The "resting" phase of a cell is referred to using this term.
What is white blood cells?
Leukemia is cancer of this part of the body.
What is 1/2?
In metaphase II, this ratio of DNA is present in reference to the amount of DNA present in the parent cell in G2.
What is red blood cells and white blood cells?
These are the types of cells blood stem cells can differentiate into.
What is cell-to-cell and cell-matrix interactions?
Stem cells receive differentiation signals through these methods (hint: not complex).
What is a cell from a mammary gland and an egg?
The embryo of Dolly was created using these two types of cells.
What is bone marrow?
This type of stem cell is donated to treat Leukemia.
What is inhibitive?
A relay protein in this pathway would lead to too much cell division.
What is nerve/brain cell?
A stem cell can differentiate into this kind of cell as part of the body's self-repair process when a person suffers from a stroke.
What is the cadherin complex?
Self-renewal factors come from this complex.
What is enucleation?
This is the process in which a nucleus is removed from a cell?
What is burns/stroke/muscle degeneration?
The use of stem cells to treat these injuries/sicknesses is being researched (list 2).
What is meiosis II?
If half of the gametes formed during meiosis are haploid and half have an abnormal number of chromosomes, then non-disjunction would have occurred in this phase of meiosis.