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Who is Paul Bunyan
Who is in Northern Minnesota with his ox, Babe?
What is Florida
Disney World
What is Missouri
Harry S. Truman
What is Nebraska
Where was Kool Aid invented
What is Iowa
Hawkeye State
What is South Dakota
In what state is Mt. Rushmore located?
What is Iowa
What is Massachusetts
John F. Kennedy
What is California
In what state is the Redwood tree the state tree?
What is Missouri
Show Me State
Where is Washington
Mount Saint Helens
What is Montana
Yellowstone National Park
What is Hawaii
Barack Obama
What is Alaska
In what state is tourism the second biggest money maker?
What is Florida
Sunshine State
What is California?
Goldengate Bridge
What is Nebraska
Chimney Rock
What is Kentucky
Abraham Lincoln
What is Georgia. Peanuts, pears, peaches
What state grows the most P's?
What is Alaska
Last Frontier
What is Arizona
Grand Canyon
What is Texas
The Alamo
What is Texas
George Bush
What is Wisconsin?
What is the Badger State
What is Connecticut
Nutmeg State