Drinks and Food | Nitro | Basics | Holiday | Cleaning |
What is the code for a brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso?
What is nitrogen?
Causes bubbles in nitro cold brew.
What is Greet, Understand, Engage, Solve, Thank
What is Irish cream cold brew?
What is daily?
When the drains should be foamed.
What is the build for a venti iced white mocha?
3 shots, 6 pumps of white mocha, milk to the third line, ice, whip cream
What is tall and grande?
Sizes of nitro cold brew
What is our guest connection score?
What is Sugar cookie almond milk latte?
What is Saturday?
When weekly cleaning duties are due
How long are pastries and sandwiches dated for?
Dated for two days
What is 20 hours?
How many hours cold brew is brewed for
What is black, white, and grey?
Approved shirt colors
What is Sugar plum?
New danish flavor
What is monthly?
How often the ice machine must be cleaned
How many pastries and sandwiches are put in the pastry case?
Only one of every kind on display
What 50/50?
Ratio of cold brew to chilled water
What is POS, Hot bar, Cold bar, Customer support.
Positions of deployment
What is a reindeer ?
New cake pop
What is between 150 and 400
The correct concentration of sanitizer
What is the recipe for whip cream?
4 pumps of vanilla, heavy cream to the max line
What is every time you change a keg?
How often the inline filter should be changed
What is brew coffee, check lobby, refill ingredients and paper goods, wash dishes, repeat?
The customer support routine
What is Christmas, decaf Christmas, holiday, and thanksgiving blends?
Seasonal blends
What are espresso, Cold bar/nitro, guest area, warming/food case, brewing, dishwashing & back of house?
Stations in the station assessments