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He thought the Imperials would be crazy to follow him through it.
Why did Han enter the asteroid field when he was escaping the Imperials?
Grand Moff Tarkin
Who was the man that was in charge of the Death Star, ordered the destruction of Alderaan, and died in A New Hope?
What planet was Luke on when he was instructed to go to Dagobah to continue his training.
Darth Vader
In Empire Strikes Back, who said the line, "Admiral Ozzel came out of lightspeed too close to the system...he is as clumsy as he is stupid"?
Echo Base
What is the name of the Rebel base on Hoth?
The Emperor was arriving to the Death Star
At the very beginning of Return of the Jedi, what was said by Darth Vader to encourage his men to speed up the process of the construction of the Death Star II? (Hint: This placed fear among Moff Jerjerrod and his crew).
4 (II, IV, V, VI)
In episodes 1-6, how many movies does Boba Fett appear in?
Which is the first planet shown in The Phantom Menace?
Lando Calrissian
Who said, "I'm the administrator of this facility."
What year was Revenge of the Sith released in?
He didn't trust the Naboo people
Why was Gungan leader Boss Nass so reluctant to aid the Naboo people during the Invasion of Naboo?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Who is referred to as "The Negotiator" in Revenge of the Sith?
5 (all except Empire Strikes Back)
In episodes 1-6, how many different movies was Tatooine featured in?
Anakin Skywalker
Who said the line, "Jedi business. Go back to your drinks"?
A New Hope (14)
Which Star Wars movie won the most Oscars (out of episodes 1-6)?
Jar Jar Binks
In Attack of the Clones, which senator proposed to give emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor?
Shaak Ti
Which of these jedi do NOT wield a green lightsaber?
Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Ahsoka, Saesee Tiin |
What color is the PLANET Yavin?
Bail Organa
Who said, "We've always talked of adopting a baby girl."
Tantive IV
What is the name of the ship that Vader boarded to retrieve the stolen rebel plans of the Death Star?
He jokingly said that he wanted to pick one that he really liked.
In Attack of the Clones, what humorous excuse did Anakin use when asked by Obi-Wan why it took him so long to pick him up in the speeder to chase the bounty hunter?
Qui-Gon Jinn
This jedi often defied the will of the Jedi Council and instead followed the will of the force. This is the reason this jedi was NOT on the Council. This jedi often found interest and importance in random beings and peoples, much to this jedi's padawan's disapproval.
Coruscant, Naboo
Which two planets from the prequel trilogy were later added to Return of the Jedi in celebration of the destruction of the Death Star II?
Uncle Owen
Who said, "Hey, what are you trying to push on us"?
What is first word in the opening crawl of Revenge of the Sith?