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Darth Vader or Anakin Skywalker
Who is Luke’s father
Darth Vader
What name is Anakin given after becoming a sith lord
Luke Skywalker
Who’s location is the First Order looking for in The Force Awakens
Jango Fett
Who is Boba Fett’s or Father
They all die
What happens to every main character in Rogue One
He is frozen in Carbonite
What happens to Han Solo at the end of The Empire Strikes Back
3 laps
How many laps are in the pod race Anakin wins
Luke Skywalker
Who appeared as a projection to give the resistance time to escape
What is baby yodas real name
In jail
Where do Han and Chewie meet
Where is the rebel base located in the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back
Darth Maul
Who is Darth Sidious’s apprentice in The Phantom Menace
Luke Skywalker
Who drank green milk
The Darksaber
What weapon does the Mandalorian obtain at the end of season 2
Iden Versio
What is the name of the main character in Battlefront Story Mode
What imperial vehicle is crushed between two logs by the Ewoks in the Battle of Endor
Count Dooku
Who cuts off Anakin’s arm in Attack of the Clones
Luke Skywalker
Who contemplates killing Ben Solo
Captain Rex
Who is the captain of the clone legion Anakin is the general of
What is the name of the security droid in Rogue One
Han Solo
Who is the last person to jump Darth Star garbage chute
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Who convinces a death sticks peddler to go home and rethink his life
Luke Skywalker
Who lived on the same planet as the porgs
Chewie’s family
Who’s family do we meet in the Star Wars Christmas Special
What is the name of the gambling game that Han and Lando play for the Millennium Falcon