The House on Mango Street Grammar Stuff Terms #1 Terms #2 Terms #3
Louie's family, including two of Louie's cousins, rent a basement apartment. One cousin is a girl named Marin; she babysits, sells Avon, and wears a lot of make up. His other cousin is a boy who gave us a ride one day in a big, yellow Cadillac with whitew
Summarize the vignette Louie, His Cousin, and His Other Cousin, specificaly describing Esperanza
Something that takes the place of a noun - he, she, I, etc.
What is a pronoun? Give an example.
A series of loosely connected parts
Define Episodic
Repitition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of closely connected words.
Define alliteration
A joke using the different possible meanings of a word.
Define pun
The girls growing up by dressing sexy
What do the shoes represent in the story The Family of Little Feet?
Shows the relationship of a noun to another word in the sentence - in, under, etc.
What is a preposition? Give an example.
A brief written description, account, or episode
Define vignette
Comparing two UNALIKE things NOT using "like" or "as"
define metaphor
Using logic to persuade
define logos
Alicia is smart - she goes to college - but she also has to do her mother's household chores because her mother died. Alicia doesn't have a car and lives in a home that has mice, which she is afraid of.
Describe Alicia in Alicia Who Sees Mice.
A verb that acts like an adjective - the speeding car
What is a participle? Give an example.
How the author feels about the topic
Define tone
Giving human qualities to non-human objects
define personification
When what happens is the OPPOSITE of what is expected to happen
Define situational irony
That they share a family history.
In Laughter, what is the connection the author is showing between Nenny and Esperanza?
A noun that is referenced by a pronoun - The book is her favorite.
What is an antecedent? Give an example.
Comparing two UNALIKE things using "like" or "as"
Define simile
When what is said is the opposite of what is meant.
Define verbal irony
Words that imitate sound - bang!
Define onomatopoeia - give an example
The house shows that Esperanza's family is moving up in status. They used to rent, but now they own. The house is better than where they used to live, but it is not as nice as Esperanza imagined.
Explain the significance of the house where Esperanza's family lived - what does it mean to Esperanza?
Renames a noun - Ms. Lunkenheimer, the English teacher, ...
What is an appositive phrase? Give an example.
The overall message
Define Theme
Using credibility to persuade
Define ethos
An adjective or adverb that changes the meaning of another word
define modifier

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