The Native American Experience

Causes of the Civil War The Abolitionists Laws & Court Cases Political & Military Goals Freedmen
What is slavery?
The primary cause of the U.S. Civil War.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
This former slave served as a conductor on the Underground Railroad?
What is Dred Scott v. Sanford?
This 1857 Supreme Court case ruled that African Americans had no citizenship rights and were legally considered property.
What is total war?
This type of war is unrestricted in terms of weapons, territory, and objectives. Often the laws of war are disregarded.
What is sharecropping?
The majority of free African Americans in the South engaged in this type of farming.
What is sectionalism?
Loyalty to a particular region.
Who was Frederick Douglass?
This black abolitionist spent most of his life as a fugitive speaking out against slavery.
What is the Compromise of 1850?
This law allowed California to join the Union as a free state.
What is the Anaconda Plan?
This plan called for the 1) capture of Richmond; 2) control of the Mississippi River; 3) a blockade of Southern ports.
What was the Freedmen's Bureau?
This organization helped freedmen and poor white Southerners after the war.
What is secede?
After the Election of 1860, South Carolina led southern states to do this.
Who was Sojourner Truth?
This female abolitionist spoke out for black women in her "Ain't I a Woman?" speech.
What were Black Codes?
These laws only affected African Americans in the South.
What is the Gettysburg Address?
Lincoln called for unity in this eulogy given after a 3-day battle in Pennsylvania.
What were Jim Crow Laws?
These laws were enacted throughout the South to segregate freedmen from Southern whites.
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
The first violence over the extension of slavery broke out after this law was enacted.
Who is William Lloyd Garrison?
He created the anti-slavery newspaper "The Liberator" and funded it with his own money.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
This 1896 Supreme Court case legalized segregation in the U.S.
What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
This gave moral purpose to the war by freeing the slaves of the Confederacy.
What is convict labor?
Some freedmen ended up in slavery through this loophole in the Thirteenth Amendment.
Who was Jefferson Davis?
This President of the Confederacy stated that his state seceded because: "...the sacred Declaration of Independence has been invoked to maintain the equality of the races."
Who was John Brown?
He led his sons in killing pro-slavery settlers in Pottawatomie, Kansas and was later hanged for his failed slave revolt at Harper's Ferry.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
One effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was that it nullified this 1820 law.
Who was William Tecumseh Sherman?
The goal of this Union general during his March to the Sea was to make the South so sick of war that that they would surrender.
What is the Fifteenth Amendment?
This Amendment to the Constitution gave freedmen the right to vote in 1870.
What was Wounded Knee?
This battle marked the end of the Indian Wars.

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