What is social influence?
The effect that the interaction with others can have on an individuals thoughts, feelings and behaviours
What is conformity?
The tendency to adjust ones thoughts, feelings or behaviours in ways that are in agreement with those of a particular individual or group, or with expected standards.
What is the tendency to follow the commands of someone with authority, or the rules or laws of society called?
What is any behaviour that is intended to be constructive or beneficial to another person, group or society?
Pro-social behaviour
What is the bystander effect?
The tendency for individuals to be less likely to help another person in need when other people are present or believed to be present; the more people around the less likely help will occur.
What do the following things create; two or more people who interact and influence one another and share a common purpose?
A group.
What are social norms?
Rules or expectations that govern acceptable behaviour in a social situation.
What is 'compliance'?
Changing ones behaviour in response to a request to do so, however the request has not come from an authority figure.
What is anti-social behaviour?
Any behaviour that is disruptive or harmful to the well-being to the well-being or property of another person or to the functioning of society.
What are the 2 influences on the bystander effect?
Audience inhibition & Diffusion of responsibility.
What are group dynamics?
Social Loafing, Groupthink & Group Polarisation
What is Informational Influence?
The tendency for people to accept information from others as true to reduce feelings of uncertainty.
What is prestige in relation to obedience?
A factor influencing obedience that refers to the status of the institution associated with the direction.
What is the reciprocity norm?
A social norm influencing pro-social behaviour that dictates we should help others who help us.
What is audience inhibition?
Failing to help due to the fear of appearing foolish in the presence of others.
What is Groupthink?
A mindset of two or more people that is characterised by an excessive tendency to seek consensus and fails to consider alternative better courses of action.
What is conformity based on our desire to be liked or accepted by others?
Normative influence
How does 'responsibility' influence obedience?
The chance of obedience increasing when the blame can be off-loaded to someone else.
What is the social norm influencing pro-social behaviour that dictates we should help those who need help because we have a duty to do so called?
Social responsibility norm.
What is the belief that, in a situation where help is required and others are present, one or more other people should or will take responsibility for helping called?
Diffusion of responsibility.
What is the tendency for an individual group member to shift their initially held views to a more extreme position following a group discussion?
Group polarisation.
What is Automatic Social Influence?
Describes how the behaviour of others leads us to respond in habitual ways.
How does group pressure influence obedience?
The likelihood of obedience is increased where there is little or no group support for resisting the authority figure.
What is the desire to benefit others for their own sake, without seeking personal gains or rewards called?
What is the cost-benefit analysis?
Helping behaviour is determined by weighing up the rewards of helping with the social or personal risks of helping.