Reading Strategies | Reading Comprehension | Stamina | Question Stem Types | Miscellaneous STAAR Facts |
What is go back and reread the paragraph.
You should always do this whenever a question specifies a paragraph number.
What is text evidence.
When making inferences, you must use this to "back it up."
What is take a break and stretch.
You should do this about once every hour to keep the blood flowing to your brain.
What is go back to that paragraph and reread for context clues.
If the question asks "what does the word ___ mean in paragraph __," you need to do this first.
What is read it and tell you what it means.
A teacher can NOT do this if you ask her about a word.
What is read the questions and underline important words.
You should do this BEFORE reading the passage and answering the questions.
What is the main idea.
This is what the whole passage or paragraph is mostly about.
What is approximately 40-45 minutes.
This is approximately how much time you should spend on EACH passage.
What is an inference question.
This type of question says "the reader can conclude that ___."
What is stand up and walk.
If you have your test in your possession (on your desk), you can NOT do this.
What is the paired passage.
This is the FIRST passage(s) you should work on in the booklet.
What is a summary.
This describes a passage or paragraph using 3-4 sentences that do NOT have lots of details.
What is take a restroom break.
You can do this one at a time, by raising your hand and asking for permission.
What is an author's organization question.
This type of question asks about the way the author put together the text.
What is the answer will be marked incorrect.
If you do NOT bubble in your answer neatly, this will happen.
What are the nonfiction passages.
This is the SECOND passage(s) you should work on in the booklet.
What are text features.
These are included in a nonfiction text to help the reader understand it better.
What is bubble in the answers you already have.
When you have about 30 minutes left, you should stop working on the passage and do this immediately.
What is figurative language.
If a question asks you about similes, metaphors, hyperboles, alliteration, or onomatopoeia, it is asking about this.
What is using your strategies.
This is something that your teachers should see as you work on your test.
What is prove the wrong answers wrong and the right answer right.
You should ALWAYS do this when answering questions.
What is fiction text.
This type of text usually has several characters, a setting, a plot, lots of dialogue, and can include poems or dramas (plays).
What is 4 hours.
This is how much time you have to complete the whole test.
What is a persuasive text question.
This type of question is used to determine whether the author was able to convince you do do something.
What is a cell phone.
If you have this item in your possession and you get caught with it, you automatically fail the test.