ADD/SUB Multi-step Problems
What is $87
Kay has $57 less than Jaycee. If Jaycee has $144, how much money does Kay have?
What is multiply $8 by 3, then subtract product from $25.
Brandon’s grandmother gave him $25 for his
birthday. He wants to buy 3 DVDs that cost
$8 each. What should Brandon do to
determine if he has enough money to buy the
3 DVDs?
What is 65 books.
Sam sold 13 books. Paul sold 5 times as many books as Sam. What was the total number of books
What is subtract 7 from 32, then add 15
Virgil is a member of the Boy Scout troop in his
neighborhood. There were 32 boys in the troop
last year. This year 7 boys left and 15 new boys
joined. What should he do to find the number
of boys in the troop now?
What is 48 pies.
Nancy made 8 pies. Lauren made twice as many pies as Nancy and Kristie made three times as many pies as Nancy. How many pies did Kristie make?
What is $1.40
How much change will John get back from $5.00 if he buys 2 notebooks that cost
$1.80 each?
What is 7 minutes
Lisa waited 45 minutes in line to buy tickets to a movie, while waiting Lisa played her video game for 16 minutes and read a book for 22 minutes, the rest of the time Lisa talked to her best friend Lucy. How much time did Lisa spend talking to Lucy?
What is subtract 240 from 530.
At LBJ Elementary School 560 students participated in the school science fair. Of the 530 students 240 students had experiments and the other had displays. What could you do to find out how many students had displays?
There will be 58 people at a breakfast and each person will eat 2 eggs. There are a dozen eggs in each carton. How many cartons of eggs will be
needed for the breakfast?


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