Bible | Disciples of Jesus | The Parable of the Prodigal Son | Holy Week | Things we do in church |
Who did God tell to build the ark?
John the Baptist
Who baptized Jesus?
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, how many sons did the father have?
Easter Sunday
What day in Holy Week do we say Christos Anesti?
What hand do we make our cross with?
In what town was Jesus born?
Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Money, his inheritance.
In the Parable of the Prodigal son what did the foolish son ask his father for?
Holy Friday
What day in Holy Week do we take the epitafio outside the church?
How many fingers do we use to make our cross?
They crucified him
What method did they use to kill Jesus?
How many disciples did Jesus have?
He spent it foolishly
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what did the youngest son do with the money his father gave him?
Palm Sunday
What day in Holy Week do we remember that entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and take something home from church that is in the shape of a cross?
What are the pictures in church called?
Who received the ten commandments?
Which disciple denied Jesus three times?
What animals did the foolish son have to eat with when he spent all his money?
Holy Wednesday
What day in Holy Week can we receive Holy Unction?
We should make the sign of the cross
What should we do when the priest censers us?
What is the first book of the Bible?
They were fishermen
What job did most of the disciples do before they met Jesus?
The brother
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, was the father or the brother mad at the end of the story?
Holy Thursday
On what day in Holy Week are the twelve gospels read?
The wine and bread that will become Holy Communion
What does the priest carry out of the altar during the Great Entrance?