Anesthesia Equipment | Warming/Cooling Devices | Monitoring Devices | Solutions in the OR Setting | MISC. Anesthesia |
What is the Anesthesia Machine?
Machine that provides a combination of inhalation agent delivery systems, including vaporizers, respiratory support equipment, & sophisticated monitoring devices.
What is the Bear Hugger?
Device that utilizes warm air blown into a special blanket that is placed over the patient.
What is a Electrocardiogram?
A noninvasive method used to monitor the rate, rhythm & electrical conduction of the heart, indicating cardiac function.
What is Distilled/Sterile Water & Sterile Saline for irrigation?
Solutions added to Back Table for irrigation & cleaning instrumentation.
What is Cricoid Pressure?
AKA Sellick's maneuver performed to reduce the risk of aspiration.
What is a ET Tube (endotracheal tube)?
Device place through patients nose or mouth & inserted into the trachea to provide patient airway.
What is a Warming/Cooling Pad
Utilizes warm or cooled water or alcohol, which circulates through coils in a pad placed under the patient.
What is a Blood Pressure Monitor?
Device used to evaluate the patient's cardiac output & vascular status (blood pressure).
What is Lactated Ringers Solution?
A Physiological Salt Solution with Electrolytes.
What is Malignant Hyperthermia (MH)?
Genetic Disease that causes a predisposition to sensitivity to succinylcholine, characterized by VERY HIGH body temperature.
What are Mc Gill Forceps?
Instrument used to aid and facilitate placement of nasogastric, nasotracheal tubes or pharyngeal packing.
What is a Rapid Infusion Pump?
Device attached to the IV line used to rapidly deliver large volumes of fluids to the patient.
What is Arterial & Venous Catheterization?
Invasive monitoring devices placed into the pulmonary artery via the subclavian or jugular access.
What is 5% Dextrose Solution?
Water & Sugar Solution.
What is Shock?
Abnormal physiological state indicated by the presence of reduced cardiac output, tachycardia, hypotension & diminished urinary output.
What is a Laryngoscope?
Device used to expose the glottis to facilitate endotracheal intubation.
What is a Infusion Control Device?
Mechanical device that regulates the delivery of IV fluids & medications.
What is a Temperature Monitor?
Noninvasive & Noninvasive methods used to asses the patients body temperature.
What is 0.9% Saline Solution (normal saline)?
A Physiological Salt Solution.
What is Nitrous Oxide?
Clear, colorless gas with a subtle fruity odor & is the only true gas still in use. Is contraindicated for ENT/Tympanoplasty.
What is LMA (laryngeal mask airway)?
Device placed into the laryngopharynx through the mouth to form a seal around the laryngeal inlet.
What is Fluid-Warming Device?
Device used to raise the temperature of blood & other IV fluids to body temperature.
What is a Pulse Oximeter?
Noninvasive assessment of the hemoglobin saturation levels in arterial blood.
What is Sterile Water?
Sterile solution used to reconstitute other medications.
What is Topical Anesthesia?
Placement of a nerve conduction blocking agent directly onto the skin or mucous membrane