The World is Not Enough | Termie McTermFace | Globalization...j/k |
Internationally, when multiple countries work together on a given issue that is important to all.
Political, economic or any relations between two sovereign states that cooperate on an issue.
international organizations
These groups have a global scope and have both NGOs and INGO that operate around the world; it is a category.
The process when a nation or nation-state is united or merged with another.
When someone is recognized as having rights belonging to a sovereign state; bestowing on them customs and laws.
humanitarian aid
Assistance provided during times of crisis with the goal of saving lives, helping suffering and maintaining human dignity.
sovereignty x4
The political authority to control the affairs of your nation (might have become a nation-state).
contending loyalties x4
Having allegiance to more than one entity that may not be on the same side as each other on an issue.
the WTO (World Trade Organization)
They supervise and monitor global trade; sets up negotiations and uses a resolution process to enforce agreements
Negotiations between states that are usually for the purposes of trade or avoiding a conflict.
Cultural attachment to one's homeland or devotion to one's country that is exceedingly loyal; think Patton speech.
UNICEF (UN Children's Fund) x4
An organization that provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
Is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means (could include looking for resources).
The belief that a government should build and maintain a strong military that can be used to aggressively promote national interests.
Region that has seen localized support for sovereignty and separatism; has resulted in two failed referendums and numerous governmental changes.