Vive la Revolución! | I Have to Interwar | Much More Fun Together | They're Just Words | Why Bother International? |
acting with Hatred or unfriendliness tOward Someone; The citIzens wouLd have acted lIke this Towards the aristocrats and royaltY
Holodomor (Ukranian Famine)
A result of Soviet collectivization that had disastrous effects for 6-8 million Ukrainians.
NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) x3
An organization that is not part of a government and is typically a charity; usually a lobby group or for humanitarian reasons.
Used when looking at a person or society that has a cultural mosaic; Canada has an official act for this concept.
economic stability
When nations are able to build stable trading relationships and money markets; they would be said to have this.
the National Assembly x3
Was formed by members of the Third Estate which would become the Legislative Assembly in 1791.
This “ism” was a set of beliefs that embraced social Darwinism, anti-semitism and the master race.
United Nations
A multinational organization that has member states delegate authority to a central governing body of all states.
civic nation
Where the state derives political legitimacy from the active participation of its citizenry; a type of nation.
humanitarianism x3
Is the organized efforts to alleviate suffering and protect non-combatants, such as the wounded or civilians, and is protected under international law.
Louis XVI
This absolute monarch ruled France until his death in 1793.
A German term that was coined to mean living space; expansionist policy for Der Fuhrer
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
A treaty organization that outlines collective security as a purpose to unite all its members.
national identity
Is a person's identity and sense of belonging to one state or to one nation; a feeling one shares with a group of people, regardless of one's citizenship status.
peace & security
Wanting political stability and diplomatic relations; connected with this would be conflict stability through peacekeeping.
This was the year the Bastille was stormed and coincidentally the year it all began.
appeasement x3
Policy adopted by leaders when dealing with Der Fuhrer while trying to avoid war.
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
An agreement that unites 3 major states that outlines trade and economic negotiations.
ethnicity x3
Is a socially-defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience.
needs and wants
Combines what the citizens actually must have and what is not essential for the citizens to survive.
the Third Estate
The commoners who would rewrite French history and overthrow a monarch to establish a republic.
Austrian Anschluss
Forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles; a union bringing common people together, especially for Der Fuhrer.
European Union (EU)
A supranationalistic org similar to the African Union (AU) that uses a common currency and has several internal organizations.
A strong feeling of support or allegiance to a nation; can have more than one and can go against each other.
The authority to control the affairs of your particular group or nation.