CAV Doctrine | Knots | Assorted |
1 - HQ and HQ troop (HHT)
2 - Motorized CAV TRP 1 - Dismounted CAV TRP 1 - FSC attached from BSB (sometimes)
What is the task organization of the IBCT CAV SQDN?
Figure 8 Slip Knot
The purpose of this knot is to form and adjustable bight in a rope.
Receive the Mission
Issue a WARNO Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the OPORD Supervise, Inspect and Refine
Name the Troop leading procedures
Area Route
What are the three forms of reconnaissance?
Overhand knot
The purpose of this knot is to be used as a safety knot
Sustainment Fires Protection Mission Command Intelligence
Name the six warfighting functions
Guard Cover Area security
List the forms of security
Clove Hitch
The purpose of this knot is to form an anchor in the middle of a rope
What are the three types of mission orders
- Provide early and accurate warning
- Provide reaction time and maneuver space - Orient on the force, area, or facility to protect - Perform continuous reconnaissance - Maintain enemy contact
What are the fundamentals of security?
Bowline Knot
The purpose of this knot is to anchor the end of a rope
Mission Execution Sustainment Mission Command
What are the 5 paragraphs of an OPORD
The purpose of this knot is to create a movable friction hitch
Receipt of Mission
Mission Analysis Course of Action Development COA Analysis COA Comparison COA Approval Orders Production
What are the phases of the military decision making process