How far should your cooking, eating and supply areas be from your sleeping area?
100 yards.
What states now are under persistent drought?
California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oregon.
What percentage of water resources are lost during fracking recycling?
30 % of water resources.
What are the factors that influence the effectiveness of a sanitizer?
Concentration, temperature, contact time, water hardness, pH.
How high up should you hang your stored food above the ground?
10 feet.
What parts of Texas now have the worst drought?
North and central Texas.
What states have radioactive fracking recycling water?
New York and Pennsylvania.
What is sanitary?
Not touching your hair while cooking.
What not to be sleeping in while camping?
The clothes you cook in while camping.
What year did the present drought start in Texas?
What do most companies use to recycle fracking water?
Fracking ponds and non-potable water.
What to do when using strong products in the home or at work?
What to do if a bear attacks you or a companion in your campsite or eating area?
Aggressively fight back.
Where does Houston get its primary and secondary water supply?
Lake Livingston and Lake Houston.
What to do with a fracking well after it ceases to produce?
Plug the fracking well under local regulation and restore the land.
What is a locked cabinet?
Cleaning products that are at children's level should be placed...
What to keep from your sleeping area and tent?
Food and garbage at night.
What weather pattern is now affecting the weather in Texas?
El Nino.
What percentage of fracking fluid is water and sand?
99.5 % water and sand,
What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing?
Cleaning is using soap and water to clean dirt. Sanitizing is using very hot water or chemical of reduce the number of pathogens.