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What is 6.
The amount of people that can be playing on the court at one time.
Who is Michael Jordan.
The most famous former basketball player.
What is passing.
Movement of giving the ball to a teammate.
What is a homerun.
To hit the ball out of range of any player on a field allowing them to go around all bases.
What is dribbling.
The act of moving the ball back and forth with your feet while keeping possession.
What is bumping.
To hit the ball off of your forearm.
Who is Serena Williams.
Currently number 1 in women's single tennis
What is a jump ball.
What you must start the game with.
What is bunting.
Gently tapping a pitched ball with your bat.
What is a bicycle kick.
The act of someone kicking the ball over there own head.
What is spiking.
To hit the ball with your hand downward on the other side of the net.
Who is Jackie Robinson.
First African-American to play in Major League Baseball.
What is ten.
How many players can there be on the court at one time?
What is second base.
The base that is across from home plate.
What is the box.
The penalty area is called what?
What is a kill.
When a spike can not be returned.
Who is Tiger Woods.
Currently the worlds number 1 golfer
What is rebounding.
The act of catching the ball after it hits the rim.
What is a foul ball.
What is it called when a ball is hit out of bounds?
Who is the goal keeper.
Who protects the goal?
What is an ace.
What is it called when someone serves the ball to the opposing team and no one touches it?
Who is Muhammad Ali.
The greatest heavyweight boxer in sport's history.
What is a dead ball
When the ball is out of play.
What is an umpire.
Who stands behind the catcher at home plate?
What is spot-kick.
What is a penalty kick called?