Anatomy | Vocabulary & wounds | Wrist/hand & elbow | Shoulder & Hip | Knee and foot/ankle |
What is an example of a long bone?
A femur, humerus , ulna, tibia, fibula, & phalanges
What is PRICES?
Protection Rest Ice Compression Elevation Support
What is boxers fracture?
5th metacarpal fracture
What is the bones of the shoulder?
Scapula, clavicle. Humerus, sternum
What is the function of the meniscus?
Absorbs shock, increase contact, cartilage
Define supination?
Palm in turned up position
Define nonunion?
When a fracture doesn’t heal.
What type of joint is the elbow?
Hinge joint
What type of joint is the hip?
Ball and socket joint
What is a jones fracture?
5th metatarsal avulsion
What is the difference between abduction and adduction?
Abduction is movement away from the body, adduction is towards the body.
Describe a laceration?
Jagged, irregular open wound
What is little league elbow?
Overuse of wrist flexors
What is the MOI of hip pointer?
Impact to the iliac crest
Name the muscles of the thighs?
Recurs femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedialis
What is a sesamoid bone?
A floating bone
Describe a contusion?
Closed wound ( bruised)
What ligament is on the medial side of the elbow?
What are the muscles of rotator cuff?
Supra supination, infraspinatus, there’s minor, subscapularis
What is the most common ankle injury?
Ankle sprain from inversion
What is the difference between 1st,2nd, and 3rd degree sprain/strain?
1st- mild, overstretched
2nd- moderate , partial tear 3rd- severe, total tear |
Define subluxation .
Where a bone dislocates and relocates on its own.
What is the injury cause by the situation?
Rebecca falls on her hand with her arm straight out and her hand flexed. She complained of her thumb hurting and it swelling. She points towards the UCL to where the pain is.
Gamekeepers thumb
Bob was running down a hill when he tripped over a rock, falling on his shoulder. He can barely move his shoulder and there is an obvious deformity. What injury does he have?
Clavicle fracture.
A football layer was running and started to rotate backwards to throw the ball. His foot was planted on the floor but his leg rotated and he heard a snap. His knee was unstable and could not extend it fully. What is the injury that occurred?
ACL tear