Health services and foundations | Technical foundations | Muscles and bones | Injury management | Arianna & Sharmaine |
What is occupational wellness?
Skills, finances, balance, satisfaction
when to tape?
acute injury management, injury prevention, Return to activity
What bone is this?
-contains few spaces -is the external layer -provides protectin and support
compact bone
what are the three mechanism of injury?
direct blow, Torsion, Shearing
What is Arianna's favourite coulour?
What is an acute care facility?
It provides immediate care for sudden injuries examples of facilities: hospitals walk-in clinics, doctors offices, urgent care center
When NOT to tape?
if the injury is active swelling, if you’re not sure how to tape, certain sports might not allow tape on particular body parts.
What are the 3 types of joints?
Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial
What are the 4 components of fitness and conditioning?
muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance
What is Sharmaines favourite colour?
Black and baby blue
What is needed on a food label?
Nutritional facts label, serving size, calories, nutrients, percent daily values, the ingredients list
A collagen is a ______ it is ______ but it isn’t as elastic or _____ as a _____
Scar tissue, strong, Pliable, Ligament
What is a greenstick fracture?
the bone is bent and splintered and not completely separated
What are the importance of rehabilitation?
reduce the chance of injury happening again, improving flexibility, improving strenght, and modifying technique
What is Ariannas favourite food?
Chicken alfredo
What is homeostasis?
It is a process in which systems maintain stability while adjusting to changing external conditions
The structure that is most commonly injured in the ankle is called?
Anterior Talofibular ligament.
Where can you find smooth muscles?
In the walls of hollow organs including the bladder and uterus and blood vessels
what should a proper warm up do?
increase blood flow to the muscle, respirate system to meet demands for oxygen, increase heart rate, impulse nerve move faster, joint fluid is less vicious
What is Sharmaines favourite food?
What are the 6 organ systems in our body?
ntegumentary, skeletal/muscular, nervous/endocrine, cardiovascular/lymphatic, digestive/respiratory/urinary, reproductive.
The Joint of the ankle is designed __________ and ________ is more likely to injure the joint.
LInear movement, no linear movement.
Name 2 skeletal muscle fibre?
Aerobic, Slow contractility, Resist fatigue and slow oxidative
athletes have medical history records, telephones work, doors, where medical use enters, should be unlock, medical kit and supplies are accessible, check for correct emergency number.
What is the pre-event checklist and what are some things on it?
How long have we been friends?
5 months