Health Foundation | Musculoskeletal | Injury Management | Technical Foundation | Trainer 101 |
What is 12
How many Detriments of health are there.
What is Anatomy
What is the study of structure
What is Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What Does RICE stand for
What is support
What is the primary purpose of taping
What is 6
How many modules are in sports med-10
What is Daily Value
What is the DV on a nutrition label stand for
What is 206
What is the average number of bones in a adult body
What is Chronic injury
What is a injury that develops overtime
What is the longest you leave a tape job on before removal
What is 4 hours
What is 2
how many trainers are usually training in a sporting event
What Health Care Facility deals with acute life threatening health threats
What is Sagittal Plane, Coronal Plane, Transverse Plane
What is the name of your body's Planes
What is Call person, Control person and Person in Charge
What are the the 3 roles in a emergency action plan
what is pro wrap
What wrap is placed on hair surfaces to protect skin
what is 30
What is the amount of chest compression you do in a row when performing CPR
What is Income And Social Status, Social Support Network, Education And Literacy, Employment And Working Conditions, Social Environment, Physical Environment, Personal health practices and Coping practices, Healthy Child Development, Biology And Genetic Endowment, Health Services, Gender ,Culture
What is the name of each health detriment
What is 'Itis"
What is the suffix for inflammation
What is Angina, Heart Attack, Stroke
What are the three circulatory illnesses
what is finger, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist.
What are the tape jobs do you learn in Sportsmed-10
What is Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What does CPR stand for
What is Diagnostic Facility
What is the facility an Xray Mri or Ultrasound would be under (Doctor Slip Required)
What is homeostasis
What is your body's Self regulating function
What is Swelling, Heat, Altered Function, Redness and Pain
What Does SHARP stand for
what is nerve damage.
why should an athlete never wear tape for long periods of time or overnight
What is Ms Setelo....(jk obviously Mrs Obrien ;)
Who is the best sports med Teacher