Health Service Foundations muscle and bone Injury management Technical foundations Animals Athletes
What is wellness wheel
what do we use to represent well rounded lives
What is anatomy studies bodies and physiology studies movements
what is the difference of anatomy and physiology
What is history, inspection, and touch
what is HIT
What is acute injury management, injury prevention, and returning to activity
What is taping used for
What is for gripping the ground so they don't slip. If only sprinters had this skill
Why do cheetahs always have their claws out unlike their big cat friends
What is do physical exams and get proper nutrition for specific athlete etc.
what is an athletic trainer
What is spongy and compact
what are the two types of bones
What is prevention of future injury, improve strength, improve flexibility
Why is rehabilitation important
What is Tuf skin
What is the stuff you spray on an athletes skin before you start wrapping
What is powerful hind legs and large feet specially designed for hopping, It would be a different sport if long jumpers were kangaroos.
How do kangaroos jump so far
What is thoughts, feeling beliefs, and physical
what four factors does the aboriginal wellness wheel focus on
What is slow twitch
would a long distance runner have slow twitch or fast twitch
What is Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
What does RICE stand for
What is Gymnast
What is the only young child athlete that would be taped
A goat, Their hooves have two toes that can grab onto small rocks, just like human fingers. But they can climb with out their hooves getting hurt or tired.
What animal would be the best rock climber
What is provide immediate care for sudden non life threatening health concerns
what does an acute care facility do
What is medial, lateral and longhead
what are the three parts of the tricep called
What is Swelling, Heat, Altered function, Redness, Pain
What does SHARP stand for
What is strains are in muscles and sprains are in ligaments
What's the difference between a strain and a sprain
what is They can control how and when their muscles use oxygen, It would cool if synchronized dancers could do this.
How do penguins dive for so long?
What is income and social status, social support networks, education and literacy, employment and working conditions, social environment, physical environment, personal health practices and coping mechanisms, healthy child development, biology and genetic endowment, health services, gender and culture
what are the 12 determinants of health
What is synarthrothis, amphiarthrosis, and diarthrothis
what are the joint classification
What is a beta agonist drug
What maintains an open airway
What is tuf skin, pro wrap, puddy, and athletic tape
What four materials are needed to tape a ankle
a pronghorn antelope. They know how to pace themselves, and have very long legs which gives them a nice stride.
What animal is the very best long distance runner

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